l m s a c e

Education & Technologies

The Best Reporting Solutions for Your Moodle™

Gain comprehensive analytics and actionable insights into your e-learning platform's performance with our cutting-edge LMSACE Report Plugin.

Highlighted Features

Elevating Your E-Learning Insights

Advanced Analytics

Gain deep insights into learner behavior, course performance, and engagement metrics through advanced analytics tools.

Interactive Visualization

Visualize data with interactive charts, graphs, and dashboards, making it easier to understand and interpret complex information at a glance.

Secure Data Handling

Rest assured knowing that your data is handled with the utmost security and confidentiality.

Database Compatibility

Seamlessly integrate the plugin with various database systems, ensuring compatibility with your existing infrastructure and data storage solutions.

Site Report

Gain Insight into Platform Performance with Detailed Site Reports

Understand your e-learning platform's performance with Site Reports. From overall user statistics to course enrollment trends, gain valuable insights into site-wide activity and engagement.

Activities Overview

Track site-wide activity trends, such as assignment submissions, and quiz attempts.

User Registration Info

Access detailed information on user registrations

Registered User Enrolment Stats

Monitor enrolment trends, including course enrolments

Top 10 Courses by Enrolment

Identify the most popular courses based on enrolment numbers.

Top 10 Courses by Completion

Track course completion rates to identify top-performing courses.

Site User Visits

View user visit statistics to understand user engagement and activity levels.

Course Report

Monitor and Improve Course Effectiveness with In-Depth Course Reports

Delve into individual courses with Course Reports. Track student progress, monitor module grades, and identify active users to optimize course content and delivery.

Course Modules & Grades

Monitor student performance across course modules and assignments.

Active & Inactive Users by Month

Track user engagement over time, identifying trends in course participation.

Course Users Activity

Analyze user activity within specific courses, including resource views and forum participation.

Course Visits by Users

View user visit data to understand user interactions with course content.

High Scores in Course

High Scores in Course: Identify top-performing students based on quiz and assignment scores.

User Reports

Empower Users with Actionable User Reports and Analytics

Empower your users with User Reports. From quiz results to login activity, provide learners with personalized analytics to track their progress and enhance their learning experience.

  • My Activities

    Review a summary of personal learning activities, including resource views and forum participation.

  • My Quizzes & Assignments

    Access quiz and assignments results and performance metrics for completed within courses.

  • Cohorts & Groups

    Manage cohort memberships and group assignments efficiently.

  • User Logins & Scores

    Track login activity to assess user engagement and participation levels.

  • 10 Most Visited Courses

    Identify frequently accessed courses to prioritize learning efforts.

  • Unlocking Insights

    The Features and Benefits of
    Reporting with Moodle™ Software

    Informed Decision-Making

    Access to comprehensive reports empowers administrators, instructors, and stakeholders to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

    Enhanced Course Effectiveness

    By tracking learner progress and engagement, instructors can identify areas for improvement and refine course content and delivery methods to enhance learning outcomes.

    Performance Evaluation

    Reports enable administrators to assess the performance of courses, instructors, and learners, facilitating continuous improvement and quality assurance efforts.

    Continuous Improvement

    Regularly reviewing and analyzing reports enables organizations to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, supporting a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

    Transparent Communication

    Sharing reports with stakeholders fosters transparency and accountability, facilitating communication and collaboration between administrators, instructors, learners, and other relevant parties.

    Strategic Planning

    Data-driven insights from reports inform strategic planning initiatives, enabling organizations to align their e-learning strategies with overarching organizational goals and objectives.

    Build Your Moodle™ Software Reporting with LMSACE Reports


    Do You Have Any Questions?

    • What types of reports can I generate with LMSACE Reports?

      LMSACE Reports offers a variety of reports, including site analytics, course performance analysis, and user insights. You can customize these reports to meet your specific needs and preferences.

    • How do I access and generate reports with LMSACE Reports?

      To access LMSACE Reports, simply log in to your Moodle™ platform and navigate to the Site administration -> reports -> LMSACE Reports. Also you can access the course report for any specific course through course administration -> Reports.

    • Can I schedule automated report generation with LMSACE Reports?

      No, Currently LMSACE Reports not supports the automated report generation, In future release you can expect this feature.

    • Is technical support available for LMSACE Reports?

      Yes, LMSACE Reports provides comprehensive technical support to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. Our dedicated support team is available to help you with setup, troubleshooting, and any other technical assistance you may need.

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